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Love Yourself For Everyone Else’s Sake by Mark Abramson

Love Yourself For Everyone Else’s Sake by Mark Abramson

Regular price $19.95 USD
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Everyone has heard “love yourself” multiple times from multiple sources, but few people know how to actually do that. Dr. Mark Abramson, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs at Stanford University School of Medicine, has distilled more than 30 years of mindfulness teachings into Love Yourself for Everyone Else's Sake. In these highly transformative pages, he teaches readers how to create the inner conditions to embody kindness and naturally extend it out to others, while helping dispel commonly held myths about self-kindness, self-compassion, and healing.

Anyone who has an interest in mindfulness and personal development will appreciate the relatable, impactful stories of Dr. Abramson's mindfulness students and how they came to work through burnout, chronic stress, and anxiety with these life-changing techniques. The teachings in this book collectively provide a roadmap on how to train your mind to be kind to you. That is your birthright, and now is the time to claim it.

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